
May 15, 2024

A recent survey from Tricentis found that high-quality mobile apps can improve just about every aspect of a company's standing including enhanced end-user experience, increased brand value and sales, improved company competitiveness, and bolstered customer retention and acquisition ...

December 05, 2023

Part 2 covers application development: In 2024, composable applications will gain prominence as organizations seek faster development cycles, scalability, and cost efficiency ...

November 15, 2023

More than 1,300 mobile practitioners shared a look inside their organizations' mobile strategies and revealed that just 8% of their companies have a dedicated team for mobile app development. While this may seem contradictory to companies' mobile ambitions, most developers will agree that pushing for an entire set of tools, resources, skills and talent dedicated to mobile alone is almost unheard of in the DevOps industry ...

May 16, 2023

The conventional wisdom in security, and mobile app protection in particular, was that consumers care about features, not security. At mobile brands across the globe, a healthy internal debate exists over this dichotomy. Mobile developers say features are more important. Cyber security teams say security is more important. Operations teams serve as the tie breaker, often choosing whatever will get the app out the door the fastest ...

January 24, 2023

When it comes to mobile software testing, expanding device coverage by running software tests on as many devices as possible is important in virtually every context. The more devices you test your software on, the higher the degree of confidence you can have that your software will work as required for all of your users ... Smart hospitality businesses recognize that they can't test on every device, so they need to be strategic about where they do run tests in order to make the most of the tests they execute. There are three main ways they can go about this ...

November 14, 2022

Mobile DevSecOps as it's currently implemented has a big problem: it's too slow and inefficient to keep up with the constantly evolving threat landscape. In the typical way of doing things, common tools like pen testing and code scanning identify known vulnerabilities, and the mobile app is then booted back to the development team where they manually add whatever protection they can within the time they have ...

July 19, 2022

In the mobile app development world, security often takes a backseat to developing features and delivering the app. In fact, the 2021 Verizon Mobile Security Index found that 45% of organizations sacrificed mobile security in order to “get the job done” ...

June 09, 2022

Today, native mobile developers are in high demand — and rare. Accessibility-first mobile developers are absolute unicorns. But this must change — and quickly. Look at these statistics ...

April 25, 2022

It's 2022 and a larger segment of any modern app's user base comes from mobile form factors. It's no longer enough that developers create apps that are simply functional and visually appealing — they need to be accessible as well ...

February 08, 2021

To provide engineering teams with hard data on how their apps compare to others in the industry, Bugsnag recently announced the results of its new report, Application Stability Index: Are your Apps Healthy? ...

June 16, 2020

While I can certainly sympathize with overworked developers — as well as the highly unusual situation of having to churn out a life-saving app in the midst of a pandemic — a few simple vulnerabilities in what is essentially a communal codebase could spell significant issues for millions of users ...

June 15, 2020

One of the counter-attacks against COVID-19 has been through technology, with many countries rolling out contact tracing apps. It is always a bit of a worry when apps are built quickly, and these contact tracing apps are having to be rolled out in record time. It's a nightmare for developers, security people, and government agencies. So, is mistrust a valid reaction? ...

February 06, 2020

Every mobile app is built around a set of APIs. In fact, it's not much of an exaggeration to describe APIs as the heart of day's modern mobile. Because of their centrality to the function of mobile apps, securing each API is a difficult task. The burden is placed squarely on mobile app developers, most of whom are not security experts ...

September 11, 2017

Application Program Interfaces (API’s) represent an effective way to build and manage mobile services. By using APIs — a set of routines, protocols and tools for building software applications — application developers no longer have to buy technology software or hardware. Instead, they can simply plug into a growing open ecosystem of API-driven services. It is simple to integrate, and saves time and money for new developers ...

September 07, 2017

More than a quarter of enterprises globally have not built, customized or virtualized any mobile apps in the last 12 months, according to the latest mobile app survey by Gartner ...

August 17, 2017

Mobile SDKs (software developments kits); love them or hate them, they're here to stay. They provide our apps with all sorts of functionality that would be incredibly time consuming to build, and they give us another means to monetize our apps. While it would be difficult to argue that SDKs aren’t useful, it’s also hard for developers to get a good idea of the amount of resources used by each SDK once the app is in production ...

August 09, 2017

Alongside its clear benefits, DevOps brings unique challenges when developing and operating a mobile environment. Mobile app developers and development teams face a unique set of requirements relating to collaboration, testing, and release. Technology fragmentation, disparate back-end systems, updates that require user action, and poor instrumentation can impede the DevOps process and become critical roadblocks to agile mobile development, ultimately impacting app retention and the bottom line ...

December 05, 2016

An overwhelming majority of developers (93 percent) indicate that web technologies are critical to their strategy for desktop and mobile, and the demand for new applications and updates to existing applications isn’t going away, according to The State of the Modern Web, a survey of web development professionals ...

August 08, 2016

The experiences we have with mobile apps have progressed from a competitive differentiator to table stakes and to remain relevant, companies must constantly anticipate and react to changing customer behaviors and user trends. The pace of change is causing significant challenges for web and mobile professionals, and important things to consider when facing these challenges and striving for the best experiences include ...

August 05, 2016

VisionMobile has just released its new State of The Developer Nation Report for Q3 2016 based on the world's largest survey of software developers. This quarter’s report delves into the key developer trends for 2016 and discusses mobile platforms, desktop platforms, server side languages, IoT markets, and the adoption of emerging technologies. Here are a few highlights from the report ...

July 25, 2016

If your business is not yet treating mobile web and app development as a priority, now is the time to start. But do not get swept away by the excitement: Your business should not build an app just for the sake of having one. Avoid these 5 mobile development pitfalls to get the most out of your online presence ...

July 13, 2016

42 percent of organizations expect to increase spending on mobile app development by an average of 31 percent in 2016, according to a recent survey by Gartner. Despite this, the average proportion of the overall application development budget allocated to mobile is only 10 percent, a 2 percent decrease from 2015 ...

March 28, 2016

When it comes to testing, software is software, right? Not exactly. Mobile apps keep growing, and now with the predicted growth in Internet of Things applications and technologies, testing organizations have new considerations and limitations. If your company is involved in developing software for the Web, mobile devices and IoT platforms, you may need a few different types of testers, tools, and process to succeed. This blog outlines some top considerations for testing on both mobile and IoT applications ...

January 22, 2016

The vast majority of today’s mobile applications are statistically doomed to deletion, abandonment or a swift decline into immediate obscurity. For any app to be successful, developers must utilize all the tools at their disposal to ensure it stays front of mind among their users. This also means considering the typical user journey from the very outset of development. The whole process must be holistic, as we see when looking at one of the app world’s most successful game publishers ...

January 13, 2016

At this moment there are over two million apps available for download, and as many as 60,000 new apps added per month. But with countless new additions and tremendous growth expected over the years, thousands of applications are also being removed to never return – entering the app graveyard ...
