A surprising amount of organizations aren't embracing automation when it comes to securing cloud deployments, according to the State of DevSecOps 2024 report from Datadog ...
DevOps acts as an enabler when taking an application modernization approach ... As businesses evolve, embracing DevOps principles will be the cornerstone of their successful application modernization journey. These will ensure their software remains robust, secure, and user-friendly in the face of technological advancements and market demands. This blog explores the role of DevOps in application modernization ...
Cloud computing has become the cornerstone for businesses looking to scale infrastructure up or down quickly according to their needs with a lower total cost of ownership. But far from simplifying the IT executive's life, the expanded use of the cloud is introducing a whole new level of concept and complexity ...
Infrastructure-as-code (IaC) is regularly used by DevOps teams. However, the increasing complexity of things like data center configurations, security requirements, and changing guidelines means IaC is poised for an overhaul ...
Businesses developing software products need to plan and implement an effective DevOps transformation strategy to achieve a host of objectives. These include reduced time to market, faster query resolution, shorter development cycles, streamlined processes, and increased deployment speed, among others. The 5 best practices to achieve the same are ...
In the cloud world, containers are the centerpoint of a growing majority of deployments. By providing compartmentalization of workloads and the ability to run "serverless," containers can speed up and secure deployments and create flexibility unreachable by old style application servers. While a variety of tools have been developed to meet this need, none are as impactful to the industry as Kubernetes. It has emerged as the de facto container orchestration tool for many companies ...
In the new cloud order, where seamless collaboration between DevOps and ITOps is critical, Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) processes, combined with Infrastructure as Code (IaC) tools, are being heralded as the keys to optimal application development and deployment. Adoption is broad and expectations are high. There's just one problem: CI/CD and IaC have yet to fully deliver on their promise ...
Policy as code is an evolution of the infrastructure as code movement, which has actually been discussed and adopted in DevOps circles for the past decade. Today, we're at an interesting point where Policy as Code is starting to break out of its DevOps bubble to be embraced more widely across the tech sphere — yet there is still a lot of confusion around what it is and how it can be used most effectively ...
CI/CD pipelines enable your teams to deliver higher quality software, quickly and efficiently. By combining the practices of continuous integration and either continuous delivery or continuous deployment, dev teams can spend more time on projects and less time on manual tasks. However, CI/CD pipelines are still evolving. As we incorporate security measures, become more deployment-centric, and move towards full automation, there is a lot to consider when building your own CI/CD pipeline ...
We're all familiar with the process of QA within the software development cycle. Developers build a product and send it to QA engineers, who test and bless it before pushing it into the world. After release, a different team of SREs with their own toolset then monitor for issues and bugs. Now, a new level of customer expectations for speed and reliability have pushed businesses further toward delivering rapid product iterations and innovations to keep up with customer demands. This leaves little time to run the traditional development process. QA can no longer act as a major, individual step ...
Infrastructure as Code comes with not only the pitfalls of infrastructure but also the pitfalls of code ...
Infrastructure as Code. It's not a totally new concept, but it isn't something that everyone is doing at this point. Some have been doing it for a long time. Some have just started the journey. And some have no clue what it even is. We're going to break it down a bit today, and talk about what it is and some of the common issues, or pitfalls, that come along with it ...
DEVOPSdigest asked DevOps and development experts from across the industry for their 2021 DevSecOps predictions ...
DEVOPSdigest asked DevOps and development experts from across the industry for their 2021 DevSecOps predictions ...
Leading large Transformation efforts — that involve the creation of a Continuous Integration, Continuous Delivery Pipeline and practice — require knowledge of not only DevOps technology but how to operationalize it and scale it. Although two thirds of companies are undergoing transformation, 70% are still failing, equating to billions in losses. Although, these losses are attributed to communication breakdown, there are more factors that contribute to failures that should not be overlooked ...
Over time, applications have evolved from simple lines of code to a universe full of interconnected machines and systems powering continuous integration and continuous delivery. Software-defined data centers where "infrastructure as code" models are being used to deploy virtualized systems hosted on-premises as well as in cloud IaaS service environments have created challenges for DevOps and security teams ...
I've been spending the past couple of years looking at how to make DevOps real through best practices, supported through the use of supporting technologies running across development, through deployment and into operations. Perhaps the most important lesson I have learned so far is how many elements of development best practice have been notable by their absence ...
Industry experts offer predictions on how DevSecOps and related technologies will evolve and impact the business in 2020 ...
DEVOPSdigest asked DevOps experts for their predictions on how DevOps and related technologies will evolve and impact business in 2019. Part 3 covers the development process ...
Given the efforts we put in these days to deconstructing monolithic applications, and using distributed microservices to make us more agile, the potential for app performance to take a nosedive because of unseen (and unanticipated) network congestion and outages is only getting greater. There is help at hand, though, in the form of new ways to program network awareness directly into your code ...
Every enterprise IT organization is unique in that it will have different bottlenecks and constraints in its deployment pipelines. With that being said, there are some common problem areas that typically produce the longest lead times in your software delivery process. Here are the most common areas that generate the longest lead times ...
IT leaders need to be able to manage application development at scale using a factory metaphor that requires lots of instrumentation. The challenge is that, in the case of applications, the actual products being manufactured consist of as much art and craft as they do science. Optimizing the application release cycle requires adding a layer of software abstraction above and around the application development process that serves to make the overall process more efficient without adding more friction ...
To better understand why everyone — including IT Operations — needs to care about DevOps, CA Technologies interviewed four DevOps luminaries and thought leaders. Their deep insights make a compelling case for Agile Operations and provide immediate practical guidance on how to get started. Here are some excerpts from the interviews ...
DevOps practices enable organizations to move faster without sacrificing reliability and stability, according to the Puppet Labs 2015 State of DevOps Report. The report shows that high-performing IT organizations are more agile: They deploy 30 times more frequently and 200 times faster than their lower-performing peers. They are also more reliable: They have 60 percent fewer service disruptions due to change failures, and recover 168 times faster when they do experience failure ...