
July 25, 2024

Riding on a substantial value proposition of speed, cost efficiency, productivity, and collaboration, low-code/no-code development is growing at a rapid clip ... Since there's no stopping low-code/no-code momentum, how can enterprises maximize the gains from citizen development while curtailing its risks? ...

July 24, 2024

Artistic swimming, formerly known as synchronized swimming or water ballet, seems like it should be nearly impossible for humans: a synchronized, choreographed routine, accompanied by music, involving many people who are often fully or partially submerged under water ... Sound familiar? That's the ideal product development lifecycle as well ...

July 22, 2024

Considering the growing sophistication and frequency of cyberattacks, enterprises must make security a priority when developing new applications. To protect sensitive data and preserve the integrity of corporate operations, it's essential to follow the best practices. This blog discusses the best practices for secure enterprise application development so that your subsequent application development becomes easy, safe, and time effective ...

July 11, 2024

A developer's vision for innovation is often disrupted by the gritty reality of operational tasks ... End-to-end pro-code platforms address these challenges by providing a single platform that supports developers from start to finish, allowing them to focus on innovation rather than technicalities and enabling them to build the next big thing ...

July 10, 2024

Beyond its development practices and tools, DevOps is a culture, and a new way of thinking about application delivery. It stands to reason then, that CIOs must revise their view of software to succeed with DevOps ...

June 17, 2024

As we all watch the technology industry shift to the latest technologies, languages, hardware, and more, the good news for DevOps professionals is that DevOps continues to be a top priority for organizations. As they forecast the talent needs, 51% of organizations have dedicated technical talent allocated to DevOps ...

June 13, 2024

Software solution providers need to be more accurate and dedicated in their quality assurance of products and deliver that quality at speed. An amazing way to improve quality testing is to fail fast. Testing shouldn't ever take place in a silo ...

April 18, 2024

The runaway train of change continues at a relentless pace in the world of IT infrastructure. As computing drives from on-premises to the cloud out to the edge, the proliferation of devices shows no sign of letting up either ... What does this mean for DevOps? ...

April 11, 2024

To showcase the true value of DevOps implementation, organizations should focus on metrics that provide insights into the key areas that require improvement. Let's uncover the critical DevOps metrics that matter and help organizations demonstrate the business value of their unique transformation initiatives ...

April 10, 2024

Since the inception of DevOps practices, technology providers in this field have generally focused on a single aspect of the Software Development Lifecycle. Some expanded their product lines with additional discreet offerings, but for the most part, a vendor provided either Planning, Orchestration, or Testing. They didn't combine the three in a single platform ...

April 04, 2024

Recently, platform engineering has become the next big thing, sparking interest in its focus on developing self-service internal developer platforms (IDPs) for streamlined software delivery and lifecycle management ... In platform engineering, the platform is supported by layered services or tools, created and maintained by a dedicated product team, designed to help the needs of software developers by essentially stitching together components to create a frictionless developer experience ...

April 03, 2024

The continued maturity of platform engineering is shown by 43% of respondents reporting they have had a platform team for at least 3-5 years, according to the 2024 State of DevOps Report from Puppet. Key findings of the report include ...

March 06, 2024

DevOps acts as an enabler when taking an application modernization approach ... As businesses evolve, embracing DevOps principles will be the cornerstone of their successful application modernization journey. These will ensure their software remains robust, secure, and user-friendly in the face of technological advancements and market demands. This blog explores the role of DevOps in application modernization ...

February 26, 2024

Regardless of what kind of technology you're working with, boosting productivity is pivotal in today's market due to the proliferation of new innovations, the increase of AI, and an increasing consumer demand for a faster time to market. Developer productivity holds immense importance, not merely in coding faster but in making every minute count, particularly when time is constantly working against you ...

January 30, 2024

If 2023 has proved anything in DevOps, it's that staying ahead of the curve is not a strategic choice but a necessity. The software development landscape has experienced a plethora of changes this past year, including the swift and widespread adoption of artificial intelligence, agile frameworks becoming mainstream, and evolving job roles within the DevOps sector. If 2023 was an opportunity to explore the enhanced DevOps methodologies that could expedite software delivery, 2024 is the year to embrace them wholeheartedly ...

January 25, 2024

For years, mainframe systems have served as the bedrock of enterprise networks, standing unmatched in terms of reliability, scalability, and data protection. But with emerging practices like DevOps, the rise of open-source, and the move to hybrid cloud models, security risks have become a pressing concern. With constantly changing rules and shifts in how software is developed and used, it's more important than ever to focus on mainframe security ...

January 16, 2024

If the use of AI is consigned to code generation, organizations may miss some of the most transformative opportunities for AI in software development. Let's walk through three ways to use AI in your DevSecOps workflows for faster cycle times and accelerated value stream delivery: predictive analytics, code testing and review, and security vulnerability detection ...

January 09, 2024

Developers can't afford to provide a subpar user experience — more than half of consumers said they would stop using a brand after just one bad encounter ... Device intelligence helps developers rise to these challenges by providing critical insights into real-time performance, usage patterns, and device and application health ...

January 08, 2024

When setting out to build a new DevOps process for their application, many teams are filled with excitement and optimism about what they can achieve. But, months into an implementation, they're later frustrated when they can't secure the budget, buy-in or resources they need to put their new DevOps process into action. By involving key stakeholders early when building a new DevOps process, these blockers can be avoided ...

December 06, 2023

Part 3 covers platform engineering and DevOps costs: This year saw hype around platform engineering. Next year I expect to see platform engineering becoming production-grade, led by hyperscalers and larger organizations integrating this function and sharing their experiences with the industry ...

December 04, 2023

The Holiday Season means it is time for DEVOPSdigest's annual list of DevOps predictions. Industry experts — from analysts and consultants to the top vendors — offer thoughtful, insightful, and often controversial predictions on how DevOps and related technologies will evolve and impact development and the business in 2024 ...

October 26, 2023

Companies relying on open-source libraries introduce risks to their end-users, so they're on the hook for thoroughly auditing all software. The internal security principles guiding the auditing process are often called open-source governance. However critical, open-source governance principles can hinder vital development metrics like deployment time. Navigating the balance between organizational imperatives and risk management is thus an ever-more essential — and challenging — aspect of a developer's daily life ...

October 23, 2023

Platform engineering is quickly gaining traction within IT organizations, becoming an established practice for software development teams — 83% of respondents have either fully implemented platform engineering or are in some phase of implementation, according to Platform Engineering in 2023: Rapid Adoption and Impact, a new report from CloudBees ...

October 17, 2023

Platform engineering is the newest player on the scene. Whereas DevOps is a discipline defined by processes (that have been incrementally automated) to nurture communication and collaboration, platform engineering is a finite organization that is very task driven ...

October 16, 2023

Many experts believe the heyday of DevOps is coming to an end ... So, is it time to retire DevOps entirely? Only time will tell. But I staunchly believe it's misguided to count DevOps out just yet. Instead, practitioners should expect DevOps to do what DevOps does best: develop and grow with the market ...
