
June 13, 2024

Software solution providers need to be more accurate and dedicated in their quality assurance of products and deliver that quality at speed. An amazing way to improve quality testing is to fail fast. Testing shouldn't ever take place in a silo ...

April 10, 2024

Since the inception of DevOps practices, technology providers in this field have generally focused on a single aspect of the Software Development Lifecycle. Some expanded their product lines with additional discreet offerings, but for the most part, a vendor provided either Planning, Orchestration, or Testing. They didn't combine the three in a single platform ...

March 07, 2024

Sometimes, the most effective method of protection is to put yourself in the attacker's shoes so you can stay one step ahead of their next move. The same is true for penetration testing — If you can't beat 'em, join 'em ...

February 27, 2024

Software development is on the rise, and so are the expectations around its quality. When it comes to ensuring quality, there are various quality assurance (QA) techniques. As a tester, you can leverage different QA strategies, such as prioritizing and optimizing QA processes through CI/CD adoption, test orchestration, AI-based tooling, and more ...

January 16, 2024

If the use of AI is consigned to code generation, organizations may miss some of the most transformative opportunities for AI in software development. Let's walk through three ways to use AI in your DevSecOps workflows for faster cycle times and accelerated value stream delivery: predictive analytics, code testing and review, and security vulnerability detection ...

December 07, 2023

Part 4 covers testing: The rapid advancement of GenAI will disrupt the testing landscape, enabling teams to significantly expand their testing capabilities with minimal additional resources. It will be used to facilitate automatic test creation and maintenance, address often overlooked edge cases, and rapidly generate insights to aid teams in critical decision-making processes ...

November 16, 2023

Companies have touted AI's ability to make employees more productive and efficient, personalize services and experiences, and improve quality while decreasing human error. And today, many organizations also realize the competitive advantage of utilizing AI in workflows, especially in web and mobile application performance testing ...

October 03, 2023

Despite the push for digital transformation, a recent study found that many are experiencing challenges maintaining quality when building, deploying, and operating their applications, with testing reported as the primary bottleneck to delivering apps ...

August 15, 2023

For the last decade, the concept of shifting security left has surged exponentially among practitioners, as the results of this approach are astounding. The ability to deliver secure code faster, reduce vulnerabilities in production, and drive efficiencies across application security and development teams are a clear win for any organization, right? ...

June 06, 2023

A build that used to take 10 minutes to finish, once you add automated tests into the picture, suddenly takes 45 minutes. And if failed tests are set to "retry" — that 45-min build can easily double in time! So enters AI to save the day ...

June 01, 2023

In 1975, computer scientist Fred Brooks observed that during software project management, adding more developers to a project that's already behind schedule just adds to delays. This became known as Brooks' law. However, it's not people power that causes delays — delaying testing increases the chance of bugs and suboptimal code quality. Therefore, one solution must be pushing testing forward. This blog offers advice on implementing a shift left approach, and the benefits of doing so ...

May 24, 2023

Truly Shifting Left means embracing a clean-as-you-go approach to software development. It means exactly what you'd think — it enables developers to identify and fix errors in real-time as they create code. When developers are able to clean-as-they-code, they move the security process as early into the software development life cycle (SDLC) as possible — when the code is first being written. You can't shift further left than that ...

May 15, 2023

The emergence of artificial intelligence (AI) continues to transform the technological landscape. Its application in several facets of software development continues to grow. One of the areas of software development where the adoption of AI can advance is software testing ...

May 09, 2023

When developing software, you want the application to be as ready as possible before exposing it to the real world. In production, the software needs to be able to deal with many different scenarios, which we can prepare for using a virtual test environment that mimics the actual system ...

May 08, 2023

Service virtualization (SV) is a method that DevOps teams use to simulate components of an app's behavior. Components are APIs, databases, networks, devices, and more ... Using SV saves time, money, headache, and frustration ...

April 18, 2023

To understand the ever-changing testing landscape, we surveyed hundreds of DevOps professionals for our fourth annual 2023 State of Test Automation report. This year's report sought to uncover the top testing trends, developer challenges, and priorities for the future. Here are the top four insights and takeaways ...

April 05, 2023

"Shift left" is a worthwhile concept. It has encouraged organizations to think more proactively about software development. But, in practice, it has a few bugs of its own that still have to be worked out ...

April 04, 2023

When we consider that more than a quarter of a million tech workers have been laid off worldwide since January 2022, it's apparent that there will be a major evolution in how tech teams operate within companies. Nowhere is this more apparent than in testing ...

March 07, 2023

Security testing can't survive using manual assessments only. Why? Because it's too slow and unproductive. The introduction and wide adoption of DevOps allows for faster build times by using security tools to conduct assessments. The days of traditional testing are gone, and here's why ...

March 06, 2023

Developers are often forced to compromise security to improve delivery times ... With the increasing threat of cyber attacks, developers need to take the necessary steps to protect applications and find a middle ground between security and delivery time ...

January 24, 2023

When it comes to mobile software testing, expanding device coverage by running software tests on as many devices as possible is important in virtually every context. The more devices you test your software on, the higher the degree of confidence you can have that your software will work as required for all of your users ... Smart hospitality businesses recognize that they can't test on every device, so they need to be strategic about where they do run tests in order to make the most of the tests they execute. There are three main ways they can go about this ...

December 15, 2022

Industry experts offer thoughtful, insightful, and often controversial predictions on how DevOps and related technologies will evolve and impact business in 2023. Part 8, the final installment, covers testing ...

November 16, 2022

The future of DevOps is bright and the opportunities to utilize cutting edge artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) applications of these technologies will only further enhance its adoption ...

October 05, 2022

Software deployment velocity directly impacts a business's bottom line — companies with higher release rates achieve 20% higher operating returns than those pushing updates less often ... But speed alone is not enough to give companies a competitive advantage ...

October 04, 2022

The term "shift left" has been thrown around by the AppSec industry for years ... The concept is a good one. The shorter the gap between adding a vulnerability and finding it, the cheaper it is to fix. But today, in the DevOps era, shifting left isn't quite as clear. Two key parts are missing ...
