
July 24, 2024

Artistic swimming, formerly known as synchronized swimming or water ballet, seems like it should be nearly impossible for humans: a synchronized, choreographed routine, accompanied by music, involving many people who are often fully or partially submerged under water ... Sound familiar? That's the ideal product development lifecycle as well ...

July 22, 2024

Considering the growing sophistication and frequency of cyberattacks, enterprises must make security a priority when developing new applications. To protect sensitive data and preserve the integrity of corporate operations, it's essential to follow the best practices. This blog discusses the best practices for secure enterprise application development so that your subsequent application development becomes easy, safe, and time effective ...

July 11, 2024

A developer's vision for innovation is often disrupted by the gritty reality of operational tasks ... End-to-end pro-code platforms address these challenges by providing a single platform that supports developers from start to finish, allowing them to focus on innovation rather than technicalities and enabling them to build the next big thing ...

July 09, 2024

In the latest annual PHP Landscape report from Zend by Perforce, respondents were asked about their confidence that their PHP applications are secure. On average, over half are very confident, 27% saying they are somewhat confident and just over 18% saying they are extremely confident ...

June 27, 2024

The state of application development in 2024 shows further trends toward cloud development, open source, microservices and AI/ML integration according to the 2024 State of Application Development Report from Docker ...

June 10, 2024

The debate about the importance of code quantity versus code quality hinges on whether an appropriate balance between the two can be achieved. In some cases, writing large amounts of code can lead to overwhelming complexity, system maintenance challenges, and an increased likelihood of "bugs." Learning to write clean code takes significant effort and determination, requiring a vast knowledge of coding principles and patterns ...

May 20, 2024

Gartner announced the top five strategic technology trends in software engineering for 2024 and beyond. Meeting business objectives is one of the top three performance objectives for 65% of software engineering leaders, according to a Gartner survey ...

May 14, 2024

The fundamental goal of engineering leaders is to streamline development processes while boosting efficiency and output quality. CircleCI's recent 2024 State of Software Delivery report highlights the practices of elite software delivery teams, in turn providing insights that can help us achieve these objectives ...

May 07, 2024

Gartner predicts that 75% of employees will acquire, modify, or create technology outside IT's visibility by 2027. That statistic is staggering, but it's not new. Developers inherently want to use the best, most efficient tool for the task, even if it's not within the company's approved tech stack ...

May 02, 2024

According to a recent survey commissioned by Progress, more than half of global organizations recognize the human-centered software design is a major need and plan to invest in human-centric applications in the next 12 to 18 months. Seventy-six percent of respondents believe that building human-centric applications is more important than it was two years ago due to business considerations and cultural shift ...

April 30, 2024

We live in a highly autonomous and technological world. We rely on machines and technologies to provide great services and satisfaction, often over human operators. Yet still, behind it all is humans. Humans developing technology, operating technology, overseeing the technology. This is why we should be focused on enabling human-centric development ...

April 17, 2024

We've been monitoring perceptions of Artificial intelligence (AI) for over a decade and early on we hypothesized that developers might be skeptical and have a difficult time trusting AI. We were wrong ...

April 15, 2024

By 2028, 75% of enterprise software engineers will use AI code assistants, up from less than 10% in early 2023, according to Gartner ...

April 01, 2024

Today, more than 98% of websites around the world use JavaScript as their go-to client-side coding language. But this use introduces challenges — today the average web page has more than 60 third-party scripts that are unmonitored and have uncontrolled access to forms and data anywhere on the page. Here are four examples of challenges businesses are facing as a result ...

March 19, 2024

Cloud development environment (CDE) adoption is growing rapidly, despite the fact it is an emerging technology, according to The Cloud Development Environment Adoption Report from Coder ...

February 26, 2024

Regardless of what kind of technology you're working with, boosting productivity is pivotal in today's market due to the proliferation of new innovations, the increase of AI, and an increasing consumer demand for a faster time to market. Developer productivity holds immense importance, not merely in coding faster but in making every minute count, particularly when time is constantly working against you ...

January 29, 2024

Azul's State of Java Survey and Report 2023 uncovered several attention-getting results ...

January 17, 2024

If you're planning to develop a new system, especially web apps, the monolith is where you should begin. This approach allows teams to build quickly together without creating silos or adding members simply because there's another language in use ...

December 05, 2023

Part 2 covers application development: In 2024, composable applications will gain prominence as organizations seek faster development cycles, scalability, and cost efficiency ...

December 04, 2023

The Holiday Season means it is time for DEVOPSdigest's annual list of DevOps predictions. Industry experts — from analysts and consultants to the top vendors — offer thoughtful, insightful, and often controversial predictions on how DevOps and related technologies will evolve and impact development and the business in 2024 ...

November 01, 2023

In general, we developers recognize the importance and utility of using diagrams to design systems and document our code. Diagrams help turn black boxes into glass ones. They can help us describe how systems talk to each other, communicate how systems operate internally, identify areas where our models can be simplified, and so on. The process of actually making those diagrams, however, is another story ...

September 18, 2023

Software engineering leaders are under continuous pressure to adopt modern architectures and technologies. To do this well, they need to know which trends have the greatest potential impact for their digital business efforts within an actionable planning horizon. Gartner announced the top strategic technology trends in software engineering for 2023 and beyond ...

August 10, 2023

At its simplest, the software industry uses multi-tenancy to explain where software or its architecture splits into manageable chunks. These chunks could save money, simplify processes, or make things safer or easier for customers. Rather than try to unravel the whole term, it's easier to explain the scenarios typically described as multi-tenancy ...

July 17, 2023

Code generation is the art of writing programs that write other programs. The most common place to use code generation is for generating libraries ... While code generation seems simple at first, there are many sharp corners and hidden surprises in anything beyond the most trivial scenarios ...

June 26, 2023

"Are we a high-performing engineering team?" This is a question that many organizations ask themselves each year ... Here are a few recommendations, based on CircleCI's latest State of Software Delivery Report, for how teams can achieve elite status through a holistic software delivery practice ...
