Remote Work

September 26, 2024

As the demand for software development grows, so too does the complexity of managing global teams. Organizations around the world are increasingly relying on distributed development teams to innovate and stay competitive ... To keep global development teams productive — even when operating in private cloud environments — while minimizing downtime and fostering seamless collaboration, consider these five best practices ...

January 10, 2023

In 2023, developers will demand solutions that enable highly available cloud-native SQL Server availability groups (AGs) in containers, including support for Kubernetes (K8s) clusters — across mixed environments and across any type of infrastructure or cloud ...

August 22, 2022

Developers have been more productive than ever during the past couple of years due largely to the shift to remote work, as they often thrive in isolated workspaces and need long periods of uninterrupted focus. Though, regardless of how much developer teams may want to stay remote forever, 74% of US companies are using or planning a permanent hybrid work model. So what does this mean for developer teams in today's work environment? ...

August 03, 2022

The last two years have accelerated massive changes in how we work, do business, and engage with customers. According to Pega research, nearly three out of four employees (71%) feel their job complexity continues to rise as customer demands increase, and employees at all levels feel overloaded with information, systems, and processes that make it difficult to adapt to these new challenges and meet their customers' growing needs ...

May 26, 2022

When execs talk with me about their desire to bring their teams back into the office in this new, post-pandemic world, the main argument I hear centers around the concept of "culture." An amorphous feeling that a return to the office is essential for teams to remain effective. "But," I ask, "weren't your teams effective during the pandemic when we all had no choice but to stay home?" ...

April 28, 2022

Burnout during the pandemic has had wide-ranging impacts across the workforce. Nearly three-fourths (72%) of U.S. tech workers planned to quit their jobs between August 2021 and August of 2022, according to a study by TalentLS and Workable. And the work world is now entering the third wave of post-pandemic mass employee attrition ...

January 05, 2021

This year was unlike any other that we have witnessed with a significant shift in organizations’ technology priorities, in part as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. This continued acceleration to digital further fueled key trends including multi-cloud adoption, an expanding threat landscape, and the need for improved collaboration across DevSecOps, as companies quickly made changes to adapt to new business demands. The need for continuous intelligence is even more critical as digital businesses require real-time analytics in order to deliver high performance, highly scalable, always-on digital services to speed decision making and drive the best customer experiences ...

November 19, 2020

DEVOPSdigest posed the following question to the development community: How should DevOps and development adapt to the new normal? In response, DevOps industry experts offered their best recommendations for how development teams can adapt to this new remote work environment. Part 4 covers testing, automation, SAAS and more ...

November 18, 2020

DEVOPSdigest posed the following question to the development community: How should DevOps and development adapt to the new normal? In response, DevOps industry experts offered their best recommendations for how development teams can adapt to this new remote work environment. Part 3 covers visibility and alignment ...

November 17, 2020

DEVOPSdigest posed the following question to the development community: How should DevOps and development adapt to the new normal? In response, DevOps industry experts offered their best recommendations for how development teams can adapt to this new remote work environment. Part 2 covers team management and schedules ...

November 16, 2020

The "New Normal" in IT — the fact that most DevOps personnel work from home (WFH) now — is here to stay. What started out as a reaction to the COVID-19 pandemic is now a way of life. Many experts agree that development teams will not be going back to the office any time soon, even if the public health concerns are abated. How should DevOps and development adapt to the new normal? That is the question DEVOPSdigest posed to the development community. DevOps industry experts — from analysts and consultants to community leaders and the top vendors — offer their best recommendations for how development organizations can react to this new environment ...

November 12, 2020

The COVID-19 pandemic has been a disruptive event for development teams and companies alike, unsurprisingly, according to a recent survey of developers across the world by JRebel by Perforce ...

November 03, 2020

Remote work has been a part of the developer community for years, but when COVID struck, the world went home for the long haul. Six months later? We're doing better than expected. A lot better. In fact, my team is well-positioned to continue remote work for as long as this pandemic demands. And for me? I've become a stronger leader because of it ...

September 24, 2020

The shift to remote work during the COVID-19 pandemic has pushed organizations to shuffle their IT priorities by putting more emphasis on digital transformation, DevOps and public cloud initiatives, according to The Future of Remote Work and Software Development ...

September 09, 2020

The 2020 Coronavirus pandemic has introduced a bevy of new challenges that developers have never encountered before, from company-wide shifts to remote work, budget cuts, layoffs, and salary freezes. Product development has never been more important to a company's survival, which makes the overall satisfaction of today's developer workforce critical ...

July 09, 2020

Keeping the motivation of your remote development team motivated is a challenge enough, let alone having to do that with the current reality of COVID-19. Here are a few ways to keep the team's spirit high ...

June 18, 2020

The Threat Stack Security Operations Center recently pulled together research into how businesses are managing their cloud infrastructure since the COVID-19 quarantine began and identified some interesting trends that stood out to me ...

May 27, 2020

Beyond mere geographic distribution, how well do your teams work if they are distributed in multiple locations? Can you get specialists from a geography quickly and onboard them onto a team whose main contingent is elsewhere? ...

May 18, 2020

The unprecedented global pandemic required organizations around the world to move their workforce almost completely remote — some in a matter of days. While many startups and organizations previously had a culture where employees were enabled to work remotely, that was not the case for all organizations. As a result, many employees are adjusting to a new way of working, including one audience some may not have expected: developers ...

May 13, 2020

In today's business climate, the reality of remote work is sinking in, especially for technology teams who must continue to work to keep the lights on. As more workers move to remote settings and consumers and users begin to rely more heavily on digital apps and experiences, being able to work successfully and productively in such an environment is critical. Whether your organization already has dispersed teams, either locally or globally, or you're just getting started, check out these tips to get on the path to success ...

May 12, 2020

There are multiple stages that the organization can take to adapt to the new normal of WFH. A new normal that will change IT forever — the way it is used, implemented, and valued. This is the frontline where remote working solutions and cloud platforms and technology solutions will be forged in the flames of necessity and demand ...

May 11, 2020

Once upon a time, organizations could choose whether or not they would allow remote working for their employees. They could sit in boardrooms and IT war rooms and hand out remote work passes like golden tickets for the Chocolate Factory. Covid-19 has changed everything. The war rooms and boardrooms are collecting dust, as decision-makers and employees work from home (WFH). But what does this actually mean for the organization in terms of its architecture and technical specifications? ...

May 04, 2020

Amid the current public health crisis, a vast majority of IT system administrators, DevOps teams and software engineers are forced to work remotely. It's a new way of working for many businesses, introducing sudden and widespread change to conventional workflows, processes, team collaboration and more. It's also creating security risks, opening new attack vectors while significantly expanding current ones ...

April 14, 2020

With very few exceptions, all software engineering teams are now operating in a fully distributed mode due to the COVID-19 crisis and our efforts to keep team members safe and avoid spreading the virus. For teams that were already fully distributed, the interruptions are likely minimal. But those that are making the rapid transition from fully- or partially-colocated to 100% distributed are experiencing significant disruptions to their operations — and their cloud security posture ...

April 13, 2020

As your development team is working remotely and being tasked with conducting "business as usual," you need simple solutions to put into place for your newly dispersed team to ensure your team can work effectively and efficiently. It is critical that each person is set-up to have a productive work space, proper communication technology and DevOps tools ...
