
July 09, 2024

In the latest annual PHP Landscape report from Zend by Perforce, respondents were asked about their confidence that their PHP applications are secure. On average, over half are very confident, 27% saying they are somewhat confident and just over 18% saying they are extremely confident ...

June 01, 2022

Analytics has come a very long way in recent years, with transformational developments widening its impact beyond internal stakeholders and into the hands of external users. This brings with it a range of challenges, and when building analytics applications for customers ...

July 12, 2021

Every year, thousands of IT professionals around the world are surveyed to discover the challenges they face, and the advantages they gain, when introducing DevOps for both application and database development ...

November 04, 2020

COVID-19 has forced almost every industry to rethink their everyday business strategies. As IT teams and core personnel continue working remotely for the foreseeable future, critical industries accustomed to in-person interactions like financial services will need to implement the necessary tools and services to ensure sensitive data remains safe, and in compliance with strict privacy laws. Unlike some sectors, however, the financial services sector is getting it right, stepping up to ensure their database management never falls behind ...

June 11, 2020

Today developers are challenged with data that is more complex, stored in silos, often causing long gaps between application development specification creation and the deployment of the integrated solution. As organizations have struggled to meet these issues head-on, they've experienced increased strain on manpower and resources, bringing with it rising costs, and making it even more challenging to successfully integrate and manage the organization's growing data stores. Following are some questions and answers focused on actions organizations can take to ease these growing pains and ensure clean, fast data processes ...

June 01, 2020

Redgate's annual State of Database DevOps Report presents a yearly glimpse into the latest facts, figures and trends about DevOps across different industry sectors. Over the last four years, Financial Services has consistently been the top performer, with more respondents in the sector adopting DevOps and introducing automation across the database development process, enabling them to deploy changes faster ...

December 12, 2019

Industry experts offer predictions on how DevOps and related technologies will evolve and impact business in 2020. Part 2 covers DevOps teams, Database DevOps, and Value Stream Management ...

October 22, 2019

Organizations need to make a concerted effort to "shift left" with their overall data architecture discussions. This shift allows more of the right questions about data to be asked, answered and incorporated early on in the design of the overall application ...

October 21, 2019

You often hear that data is the new oil. This valuable, ever-changing commodity has begun to play a starring role in many cloud-native applications. Yet, according to a number of DevOps teams, data issues continue to plague their efforts to continuously integrate, test and deploy frequent software releases ...

August 01, 2019

For most organizations, the ongoing management and deployment of database changes are by far the slowest and riskiest part of the application release process. Why? Most of these changes are performed manually by database administrators (DBAs), who spend countless hours to create, review, rework, and deploy database changes in support of rapid application delivery. This creates a huge bottleneck for the overall release process, as database changes happen every day ...

June 27, 2019

DevOps brings enormous competitive advantage to businesses. However, at the same time there is an intense and growing focus on data security and privacy. Whether it's through regulations such as the GDPR or increasing consumer expectations that their personal information will be kept safe and used responsibly, it's business-critical that organizations take these concerns seriously ...

June 06, 2019

Database deployments continue to be a software delivery bottleneck, a process that has not improved within the past year, according to The 2019 State of Database Deployments in Application Delivery, a report from Datical ...

February 14, 2019

While DevOps has increasingly been adopted across many organizations, it is now becoming central to how they operate — and is maturing to include the database in DevOps flows. That is the headline finding from Redgate's third State of Database DevOps Report. Looking through the results, there are four clear conclusions for everyone involved in DevOps ...

November 07, 2018

DEVOPSdigest asked experts from across the IT industry for their opinions on what steps in the SDLC should be automated. Part 3 covers the development environment and the infrastructure ...

October 16, 2018

More than half of organizations have a dedicated DevOps team to help them better implement agile strategies, accelerate release cycles and ensure continuous development. However, databases have a habit of holding DevOps back ...

June 05, 2018

Everyone understands the importance of code quality for applications, particularly when DevOps results in releases becoming faster and faster, reducing the room for error. The same issues increasingly apply to databases, which are a vital part of DevOps workflows. Fail to integrate the database into DevOps and you'll face bottlenecks that slow down your processes and undermine your efforts ...

April 04, 2018

Many development organizations rely on DevOps, Agile and Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) practices and tools to speed up application delivery. However, shorter release cycles and faster application development also mean more frequent database schema and logic changes. Though the application release process has been fast-tracked through modernization and automation, the database deployment process has been forsaken ...

February 01, 2018

DevOps are pretty clear for application development, those same applications often have a database back-end. If DevOps is increasing the frequency and reliability of new features for applications, a slower pace of database development can slow down and hinder those same releases ...

January 29, 2018

When was the last time your company experienced a significant database error? If it happened in the last 3 months, you’re in good company. In a recent study, 60% of respondents reported a crash or significant database error occurring in the last 6 months. Roughly one in ten respondents reported a serious database problem in the past week ...

January 04, 2018

DevOps experts offer predictions on how DevOps and related technologies will evolve and impact business in 2018. Part 6 covers analytics and data ...

December 11, 2017

The benefits of DevOps are potentially enormous, but simply identifying the benefits is not enough. A faster time to market may be a good customer story, but with no directly measurable monetary return, the value of DevOps can still be questioned at board level. Businesses want more than promises if they are to sign off on financial decisions: they need to know the Return on Investment (ROI) as well, with facts and figures that demonstrate what they will gain ...

November 21, 2017

One overlooked opportunity for improving DEV and OPS collaboration is inviting database administrators (DBAs) to the DevOps conversation. DBAs function in a unique role where bridging the gap between development and operations occurs daily ...

November 13, 2017

DEVOPSdigest asked experts from across the industry for their opinions on the best way to foster collaboration between Dev and Ops. Part 4 covers more about combining Dev and Ops in teams ...

November 08, 2017

Mainframes may be legacy, but they still run a lot of business. With so much in play, businesses run a great risk when practices for maintaining and developing on mainframe remain largely the same despite the rest of the organization undergoing significant change to keep pace with the latest DevOps trends ...

October 12, 2017

Today, organizations must digitally evolve or they risk becoming irrelevant. One area that’s been growing in adoption is a shift to developing and deploying modern applications in the cloud, which requires software and IT architects to rethink how to architect and manage these apps ...
