DevOps Skills Command Higher Pay
January 15, 2016

Tim Zonca

Based on data gathered from the Puppet Labs 2015 State of DevOps Report, the DevOps Salary Report underscores the increasing recognition that adopting DevOps practices help organizations achieve better business results. Because DevOps makes such a difference, people with DevOps skills are in high demand, and as a result, DevOps engineers make noticeably higher salaries than most other IT practitioner job titles.

55% of US DevOps engineers make $100,000 per year or more.

“The 2015 State of DevOps Report showed that high-performing IT organizations are more agile, more reliable, and ultimately drive real business value,” said Nigel Kersten, CIO at Puppet Labs. “Now that organizations are learning of the benefits of DevOps, we’re seeing additional salary data that reveals just how much demand there is around the world for highly qualified IT and DevOps practitioners. It’s encouraging to see these positions continue to grow, and we look forward to watching the market evolve and adapt to the growing urgency around making IT a competitive advantage.”

Interesting findings include:

■ Where managers in the rest of the world typically make at least one salary increment more than practitioners, most managers in the U.S. make at least two salary increment more.

■ DevOps engineers make noticeably higher salaries than most other practitioner job titles in the 2015 survey and report. Fifty-five percent of US DevOps engineers make $100,000 per year or more; this share is surpassed only by architects (75 percent make $100,000-plus), a group that includes the distinct job titles of architects, cloud or infrastructure architects, and systems architects.

■ If you’re in the US, the report shows that you’re more likely to make a better salary if you are a tech practitioner in technology, web software or education.

■ 71% of practitioners report working 40 or more hours per week. Most respondents (52 percent) reported working 41-50 hours per week.

■ More DevOps engineers reported working in excess of 50 hours per week than any other job title. More systems engineers reported working 41-50 hours per week, and more system administrators reported working 40 or fewer hours per week.

■ Most surveyed women reported making $50,000 to $100,000 (59 percent of women, compared to 47 percent of men), while more men reported making $100,000 or more (47 percent of men, compared to 36 percent of women).

Tim Zonca is Director of Product Marketing for Puppet Labs.

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