There are multiple stages that the organization can take to adapt to the new normal of WFH. A new normal that will change IT forever — the way it is used, implemented, and valued. This is the frontline where remote working solutions and cloud platforms and technology solutions will be forged in the flames of necessity and demand ...
Vendor Forum
Once upon a time, organizations could choose whether or not they would allow remote working for their employees. They could sit in boardrooms and IT war rooms and hand out remote work passes like golden tickets for the Chocolate Factory. Covid-19 has changed everything. The war rooms and boardrooms are collecting dust, as decision-makers and employees work from home (WFH). But what does this actually mean for the organization in terms of its architecture and technical specifications? ...
We are asked to make software purchases based on "business requirements." Often, those "requirements" are vaguely communicated and easily misinterpreted. This is especially true for payment gateways. Now is a good time to discuss these "business requirements" because COVID-19 and the global recession have forced companies to cut costs and double down on ecommerce efforts. I hope that these three considerations can help you get more mileage out of your fintech stack in tough times ...
Amid the current public health crisis, a vast majority of IT system administrators, DevOps teams and software engineers are forced to work remotely. It's a new way of working for many businesses, introducing sudden and widespread change to conventional workflows, processes, team collaboration and more. It's also creating security risks, opening new attack vectors while significantly expanding current ones ...
The third and final key takes this down to the individual level. The motivation for knowledge work must come from our hearts ...
Some research that I come back to frequently was done by Google as part of their Project Aristotle. They did multi-year research on 180 teams to answer the question "what factors are most conducive to high-performing teams?" The 5 factors they isolated were somewhat surprising, and can be summarized as ...
One of the challenges that development and IT operations teams have been experiencing for many years is the struggle to keep different environments in sync and to follow an orderly development lifecycle in a way that's efficient and painless. The DevOps revolution has been extremely influential. But late adopters that have been contemplating shifting from a world of ad hoc deployments to a world of systematic innovation delivery, might now have both the impetus and the opportunity they've been looking for ...
From SecOps to DevSecOps and SecDevOps, there seems to be an unending stream of new buzzwords in systems technology. With all this jargon, increasingly stories can read more like inside baseball rather than an intentional strategy. To understand insertion of "Security" into "‘DevOps", we need to reminisce about the origins of term "DevOps" ...
If you talk to any Manager today, Continuous Testing (CT) is probably high on their list of goals for the year. But, they often don't state the why for implementing Test Automation and CT. When you look at the effects of CT and the myriad of benefits it provides, it makes sense: Continuous Testing helps to deliver immediate feedback, and can give a business an advantage with minimized risks and unblocked testing bottlenecks in the Agile/DevOps environments that will ensure a faster experience ...
Imagine you are someone with a vision, hearing or cognitive disability who relies on assistive technologies to access content and services. The ability to access personal financial information without blockers is critical for people with disabilities. That's where digital accessibility — making certain a site or app is navigable by users with disabilities — factors into the software development process ...
With very few exceptions, all software engineering teams are now operating in a fully distributed mode due to the COVID-19 crisis and our efforts to keep team members safe and avoid spreading the virus. For teams that were already fully distributed, the interruptions are likely minimal. But those that are making the rapid transition from fully- or partially-colocated to 100% distributed are experiencing significant disruptions to their operations — and their cloud security posture ...
Vanson Bourne recently conducted a survey of organizations reliant on the mainframe with a surprising finding: deployment frequency for new mainframe features is expected to increase by 41%, compared to 38% for non-mainframe applications. Why would deployment frequency on the mainframe be higher than other platforms? ...
With the surge of COVID-19, our daily lives have changed — both personally and professionally. Its impact has caused an entire shift on how we work and where we work. For now, your entire software development team has to work remotely. For many organizations, the digital transformation efforts that were implemented before the crisis have added another layer in their transition to remote work. In these circumstances, you might be wondering how to successfully manage an IT digital transformation while shifting to a remote team ...
Breakthroughs in communications platforms as a service (CPaaS) are making it increasingly easier to embed voice, messaging, chat and video into experiences than ever before through low-code or no-code options. These development platforms allow developers to embed application logic within the CPaaS to implement robust communications capabilities into business processes and applications — such as a voice interface or a chatbox — with just a few lines of code ...
The software testing industry is known for its jargon — from black-box testing and defects to mutation testing and Gherkin. But two important terms in the software delivery lifecycle are alpha testing and beta testing ...