Shift-left has been an important DevOps concept in recent years, and shift-left security is rapidly becoming the next big "shift" for DevOps/Agile development. In this model, app developers build app security, fraud prevention and anti-malware features into software as early as possible in the development cycle, instead of trying to code security in after an app is built ...
Vendor Forum
"We have seen two years' worth of digital transformation in two months" ... In the months since that memorable quote from the head of Microsoft, companies have been forced to continuously adjust to the new world order, exploring better ways to streamline processes, harness data, or shape entirely different ways of doing business. The trend is set to continue throughout 2022 ...
In today's competitive world, there is no denying that only the best applications prosper and attract a lot of traffic. The massive digitalization in recent years has created a need for software application testing vital for all businesses across industries. The following are some of the best practices for web application testing ...
With so much at stake in delivering better software faster, it is important to set up for Kubernetes success from the very beginning. I asked some industry experts if they had tips on how to get started, and here are the top tips I received ...
As the Great Resignation continues and turnover rates climb, organizations across industries are struggling to keep top talent — especially in the developer, delivery, platform and security realms. Ongoing digital transformation efforts have put additional pressure on organizations to keep up with the accelerating pace of innovation; multi-cloud environments are becoming the new norm — bringing with them novel IT complexity concerns; and cybersecurity threats continue to proliferate across the enterprise ...
As the debate rages on within companies of all sizes on who should "own" software quality, and at what stage(s) of the SDLC should testing be performed, an interesting finding popped up in the most recent SmartBear State of Software Quality | Code Review report. Close to 800 participants in the survey — nearly 80% of which define their roles as either developers, architects, or systems engineers — stated that code review is the number one thing a company can do to improve code quality ...
Driven by the demand for delivering applications at the locations of their choice, enterprises are increasingly deploying distributed infrastructure, with 67% of cloud deployments distributed across on-premises, hybrid, and edge clouds. Comparatively, our recent research found that developers are facing new challenges as they expand their use of cloud computing in ways that increasingly span multiple locations ...
Imagine starting your morning with a new business idea and building it out into a fully functional website by the evening. Serverless stacks are making this speed of innovation possible by streamlining the most tedious aspects of application development. By leaning on a full-service serverless stack, software creators can grow their applications faster, scale with ease and have more time to build innovative features that differentiate their business ...
Application programming interfaces (APIs) are the underpinnings of digital transformation and represent 83% of all web traffic. Serving as the fabric of modern service delivery and app development, the logic and sensitive data APIs can expose have made them a high-value target for cybercriminals. In fact, the amount of API cyberattacks has spiked in the last year. According to Enterprise Strategy Group (ESG) analysts, "attackers are setting their sights on unprotected APIs, and API attacks will see a banner year in 2022" ...
Internal tools — custom software built to support the business operations and used primarily by employees — are essential for managing complex internal processes that any company, from a small startup to a FAANG, relies on to operate day-to-day. Internal tools can make these processes more efficient within and between teams, and, when done right, save engineers time and resources. Retool's recent State of Internal Tools 2021 report found that developers dedicate more than 30 percent of their time to the process of internal app building ...
DataOps has emerged as an Agile methodology to improve the speed and accuracy of analytics through new data management practices and processes, including code automation. Simply understood, DataOps is data management for the AI era, powering both automation at scale and friction-free collaboration between humans and machines ...
Most (92%) of enterprises face significant issues with digital transformation and product development efforts as they head into 2022, according to the Value Streams Are Accelerating Digital Transformation ...
To arrive at a risk-based product development lifecycle, there must be a risk-based culture. While nearly everything can be automated these days, the source code for early-warning risk management starts with people and teams, not machines ... But how does one begin to embed security into company culture? Let's start with the cultural triad — then discuss how to get there ...
Containers provide users with a host of benefits, including faster delivery, agility, portability and modernization. The popularity of the technology will continue to grow, from 30% of global organizations running containerized applications today to more than 75% by the end of 2022 ...
Creating an agile enterprise goes far beyond just purchasing and deploying new technologies. Effectively managing your organization's software value chain plays an integral role. But achieving agility also requires a cultural transformation — led by leadership — to drive enhanced business performance, employee engagement, and customer satisfaction. Only when company leaders show commitment to this type of systemic change can they achieve an organization-wide shift in mindset ...