When I worked in product management at the start of my career, the saying about product development was "cost, quality and schedule: pick two" with the implication that there is an inverse variation between getting product shipped quickly and cheaply, and therefore quality can suffer. Or, if you want a high degree of quality and to ship it fast, it is more costly because it requires more resources. Thankfully, that saying is no longer true. With a DevOps approach, you can get speed, high quality and cost efficiency at the same time. However, you cannot get to a DevOps approach in your systems development lifecycle (SDLC) without test automation ...
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The org chart is almost always the main "map" to understand an organization. Yet there are many ways to map a system, and each provides a distinct lens and insight ... Imagine mapping an organization in terms of "how work gets done." This requires that you first understand "what work are we doing?" ...
Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) are a critical component of software development and allow developers to build applications and microservices more rapidly. The second annual RapidAPI Developer survey found API adoption increased across all industries, with executives prioritizing investments in the API economy ...
Our recent research indicates that 62% of developers spend more than a quarter of their time fulfilling requests to build internal applications. Nearly 75% need to make updates to internal applications at least weekly, while about 70% must make updates to internal tools more than once a week. Two-thirds of the survey group said that work on internal applications delays their developers' efforts on customer-facing products on a daily or weekly basis. That's a big distraction for developers, and it's a lot of work that could be reduced or eliminated ...
While we all hope the stresses of 2020 will be quickly put behind us, there are also some solid encouraging signs on the horizon. Looking at Couchbase's annual IT decision makers survey results reveals both the pain and the optimism around development projects ...
As the pressure to achieve more with less increases in a challenging global economy, more organizations are changing their perspective and adopting rapid and simple no-code app development platforms. Such platforms enable teams to rapidly build apps that make a difference to business results and solve various technology bottlenecks. The no-code approach is allowing business experts to seamlessly innovate without the need for coding skills. It allows organizations to stay proactive and accelerate app development by bringing more people with varied skillsets into application development. Highlighted below are the reasons why 2021 will be the year of no-code application development ...
In the 1990s, responding to the many challenges of waterfall processes, some lighter-weight and more iterative development methods emerged. The Manifesto for Agile Software Development was a turning point that clarified the new approach and started to bring the benefits of these innovative methods to the whole development industry ...
2020 was one of the most transformative years for software testing to date. Teams were forced to adapt to completely new work environments and learn to develop, test and innovate at warp speed. At Perfecto by Perforce, we were intrigued by the rollercoaster that was 2020 and wanted to glean more insights into the unique testing trends and challenges that surfaced as a result. As such, we surveyed more than 700 DevOps professionals for our 2021 State of Test Automation Report ...
There are several forces that are going to impact this field that we'll see in 2021. Let's get a peek into DevOps' future with an eye on some trends that have already shown up ...
There are two important considerations when adding security to an existing DevOps pipeline. The first is security in code, which means, when code is developed, the security of the code itself should be continuously reviewed and assessed. The second is security as code, in other words, security requirements need to be part of the process from the beginning. Let's look at both of these concepts in a bit more detail ...
With the right solutions, teams can move themselves out of the shadows of error resolution and into the light of innovation. Observability data, drawn from their systems and imbued with context from AI, lets teams automate the issues holding them back. Contextualized data and insights also give them the language to speak to the incremental, product-led approach and the direction to drive key innovations in customer experience improvement. Communicating value becomes a much easier proposition for DevOps practitioners — and they can take their seat at the company table as contributors to value ...
The 20% time has an almost mythical status. Popularized by Google, but with its roots actually stretching back to the 1940s, the basic concept is that 20 percent of an employee's paid time is dedicated to pursuing personal projects. The idea is that it creates a hotbed of innovation which might feed into company work and improve skills. In software development terms, the products that have their foundations in 20 percent are legendary ...
In the quest to quickly deliver quality apps and services while providing a superior customer experience, DevOps is proving critical for modern enterprises, giving them the ability to adapt quickly to customer demand and cultural shifts, automate throughout the software delivery lifecycle (SDLC), and heighten security of the data and infrastructure vital to application development ...
We all wish we could build, deploy, and run our applications without the stress of security concerns. However, the reality is that most of us will run into serious security or compliance issues at one time or another. When that happens, an organization is likely to experience the frustration of delayed application deployments and stifled agility. Containers and Kubernetes promise faster development cycles, quicker bug fixes, and increased velocity, but when security is an afterthought, organizations risk the very gains that containerization promises, particularly agility ...
So, you've finally decided to use Kubernetes for stateful applications? Congrats! (And good luck.) But first, let's put the Champagne back on the ice and talk about data — the chain that binds your stateful architecture to a single location. If you're only using a single region, you're in luck, but what happens when the same application needs to run on multiple regions? Or, even worse, multiple clouds? ...