Developers love using containers to build, run and ship applications in a flexible and simple way. However, the technology has received backlash for not being as secure as other (traditional) methods, such as Virtual Machines (VMs). Securing containers and securing VMs requires a completely different process. Below are four key differences between securing containers versus securing VMs ...
Vendor Forum
When organizations adopt containers and microservice style architectures in production, systems become incredibly complex. For operations it's a shock because it means coming to grips with many new container tech nuances - plus letting go of the old monitoring rule book ...
In Part 3 of my Q&A with industry analysts, I ask: What trends will have the biggest impact on the software industry and DevOps in particular this year and beyond? How can enterprises set themselves up to succeed with so many rapid changes occurring in development and delivery? ...
In Part 2, I'll dive into some findings from CollabNet's outreach to industry analysts. I asked them about the greatest challenges facing enterprises venturing into the world of DevOps and to touch on what lies ahead for the future of the DevOps movement ...
DevOps teams bring significant benefits to their organizations. Unfortunately, DevOps teams, like many business programs, tend to believe innovation must come with a detriment to security. Security measures are often seen as obstacles that impact the agility that DevOps teams rely on ...
With increased competition, enterprises now require greater agility than ever before, and traditional approaches simply can’t provide the speed enterprises demand. To remain competitive with these new players, companies need to improve their operational agility both in the data center and the WAN ...
There is no "right" culture for DevOps, but characteristics such as open communication, high cooperation, collaboration, respect, and trust are essential. If your organization does not have these characteristics, they must be developed. Culture is learned, not inherited. It must be genuinely nurtured by everyone from executive management on down the line. Here are some hacks to help develop a positive DevOps culture ...
Thanks to cloud computing, businesses have moved away from siloed departments to a DevOps approach where IT teams and software developers can work together with greater ease. As a result, companies are now able to innovate faster and adapt to changes with greater ease and efficiency. In this blog, we'll explore a few ways in which an optimized cloud strategy and implementing DevOps as a culture could transform IT departments ...
In a movement that has gained momentum as quickly as DevOps has, it's always good to stop from time to time and evaluate where we are, where we have come from, and where we are going. We asked four industry experts some questions about the progress of ALM and DevOps ...
It's easy to ignore downtime. But ignoring downtime is a surefire way to upset your customers and your colleagues. More and more, teams need to think about shipping stellar experiences. Proper incident response is a great place to start ...
As trends like cloud computing and DevOps become the de facto standard, organizations are increasingly looking for next-generation analytics tools and services that provide continuous intelligence to help them build, run and secure modern applications, and accelerate their journey to the cloud, according to a new study with UBM Technology titled The New Normal: Cloud, DevOps and SaaS Analytics Tools Reign in the Modern App Era ...
DNS (Domain Name System) management is important, yet often overlooked as a part of a developer's stack. Those underutilizing DNS either don't have a solid understanding of how it works or they don't know how to leverage the system for their own needs ...
A recent survey, conducted by Forrester and commissioned by Compuware, showed 96 percent of new business initiatives involve the mainframe. However, the platform is not without challenges. The survey also revealed frustration and concern among development leaders, particularly when it comes to their team's ability to accommodate the speed and agility required to compete in today's digital market ...