Organizations are giving increasing attention to data quality. This doesn't come as a surprise — data is a valuable commodity that is quickly proving its worth in a growing number of cloud-native applications to make decisions about product development, how to market to customers, and more. However, for data to be beneficial, it needs to be high quality. Without high quality data, organizations run the risk of making costly decisions, or missing opportunities that make them fall behind their competitors ...
As your development team is working remotely and being tasked with conducting "business as usual," you need simple solutions to put into place for your newly dispersed team to ensure your team can work effectively and efficiently. It is critical that each person is set-up to have a productive work space, proper communication technology and DevOps tools ...
Advances in GPU/TPU technology, and the development of new platforms and frameworks have enabled an explosion in AI and Machine Learning, while new platforms from Amazon, Microsoft and others have put pre-built frameworks firmly in the grasp of developers. Despite all this movement, however, we are still definitely very early in the transition to using AI to transform software development — commonly referred to as Software 2.0, or AIOps ...
The term "cloud" like "COVID-19" was overused and often misunderstood. Today, COVID-19 (AKA Corona Virus or SARS 2) has inundated our datacenters, offices, and lives. We face unprecedented times that will undoubtedly impact the overall work/life balance for years to come ...
As the expansion of DevOps into DevSecOps shifts into higher gear in 2020, companies are struggling to balance the accelerated automated software development cycle with an integrated and thorough software security strategy. The key in doing so is to take DevSecOps at face value and do what the technology demands ...
The increasing validation of outsourced application development in the eyes of IT professionals is making it a staple of their application development toolbox. And with the growth of sophisticated cloud-accessible tools, application development service vendors continue to expand their value-added capabilities to further justify IT professionals engaging them ...
Today, enterprise users' needs and expectations are fluid and the applications built must accommodate a much wider spectrum of requirements. For organizations to effectively service their customers in this new environment in a differentiated way, they must develop and innovate around digital transformation in three separate yet interconnected areas: expertise, speed and agility ...
APIs are a fundamental part of modern web application development, and it's a little hard to imagine a world without them. But the decisions that startups make about implementing and managing their APIs can have profound effects on the growth trajectory of their business, both good and bad ...
With companies of all sizes right from upcoming startups to well-established enterprises incorporating DevOps practices into their workflows, it is intriguing to uncover what the future of DevOps is going to look like ...
As we turn another leaf over the calendar pages and with 2020 just around the corner, here are our top DevOps predictions for 2020 and beyond ...
DevOps has eased the software delivery process by bridging gaps between the different teams in the process chain. While this has turned as a major advantage for IT firms, there is another important solution that can empower your DevOps cycle and help you realize the DevOps potential. That is "Containerization," the technology solution that emerged out of dire need for fast-paced application delivery. But applying containerization in a DevOps environment successfully requires understanding of some key priorities ...
Organizations need to make a concerted effort to "shift left" with their overall data architecture discussions. This shift allows more of the right questions about data to be asked, answered and incorporated early on in the design of the overall application ...
You often hear that data is the new oil. This valuable, ever-changing commodity has begun to play a starring role in many cloud-native applications. Yet, according to a number of DevOps teams, data issues continue to plague their efforts to continuously integrate, test and deploy frequent software releases ...
Given the collaborative, transparent nature of open source software, one of the best ways to determine what's driving the industry — and what stands to impact it in years to come — is to simply notice what everyone is talking about. In reviewing the speaker proposal data from O'Reilly's Open Source Software Conference (OSCON), we were able to determine how interest in popular open source software topics have evolved, how industry professionals are approaching and interpreting them, and which tools are becoming increasingly prevalent. Below are three core findings that are indicative of where open source software is headed ...