May 31, 2016
Michael Azoff

DevOps is firmly in the mainstream today but it is not static. The next generation of DevOps tools is evolving, and the success of DevOps is driving changes in software architecture styles. Ovum's latest research shows some important ways DevOps is changing and driving change ...

May 25, 2016
Pete Goldin

The global DevOps market is expected to grow at a CAGR of about 19% until 2020, according to the latest report by Technavio, titled Global DevOps Platform Market 2016-2020.

May 16, 2016
Pete Goldin

DevOps adoption is growing, increasing from 66 percent in 2015 to 74 percent in 2016 ...

May 11, 2016
Pete Goldin

There is a major disconnect between what is expected of IT by the business and what IT teams can actually deliver, according to the 2016 Connectivity Benchmark Report from MuleSoft ...

May 06, 2016
Julie Craig

At a time when software is becoming increasingly business relevant, IT teams are, in too many cases, retreating to the silo monitoring techniques of the past to track and troubleshoot application performance ...

May 02, 2016
Tram Tran
KMS Technology

Many software development teams struggle with an overwhelming and seemingly never-ending influx of new requests. Different business groups such as sales, account management and customer care will often demand new features or product changes, particularly in large enterprise organizations. This can lead to frustration as development teams are overloaded and stuck working to put out fires. It’s important to have a clear product roadmap with solid release planning in place. A time box release cycle can introduce some stability and predictability for IT team, business team, and clients ...

April 27, 2016
Pete Goldin

Recent advancements around cross-platform development and open source are making it an exciting time to be a .NET developer, according to the 2016 .NET Community survey conducted by by Progress ...

April 15, 2016
Pete Goldin

Although DEVOPSdigest recently posted an epic list of 30 Must-Have Tools to Support DevOps, it is important to note that DevOps is not really about the tools. I said this at the beginning of the list, but the idea deserves further discussion. It is true that all of the 30 tools outlined in the list can augment an organization's DevOps initiative, but none of them — not even all of them together — can guarantee DevOps success alone. First and foremost, DevOps requires a culture change.

March 08, 2016
Gabriel Lowy

The DevOps payoff is both cultural and financial. Various studies, including the annual Puppet Labs survey, have shown that one begets the other. DevOps is about creating an environment of communication, collaboration and trust between IT and business teams. This is no easy feat. But the stronger the culture becomes, the more stable an environment it creates and the higher morale and productivity rise. As a result, companies that succeed at DevOps outperform their respective peer groups in most operating and valuation metrics ...

March 01, 2016
Russell Rothstein
IT Central Station

When it comes to DevOps solutions, there’s a dizzying choice of technology providers out there, from established enterprise companies to smaller headline-grabbing startups. Potential buyers can find it difficult to break through the vendor noise and FUD to really understand which solution will best fits their needs. I’d like to share some of the latest DevOps reviews on IT Central Station, so you can make your buying decisions free of vendor interference ...

February 16, 2016
Brad Kolarov

The proliferation of data and the pace of innovation within the open source software ecosystem are driving the convergence of Big Data, Cloud Computing, and DevOps/Automation. Proficiency across these functional areas is essential in this rapidly evolving, converging IT environment. At the moment, however, there's a lack of qualified talent with these cross-disciplinary skills. To an extent, the emergence of DevOps itself has led to a skills imbalance across disciplines ...

February 12, 2016
Pete Goldin

Agility is a key reason behind most companies’ API strategies and for fueling growing interest in microservices, according to MuleSoft's European API survey ...

February 05, 2016
Pete Goldin

As IT professionals are becoming more knowledgeable about DevOps and ChatOps, being on-call is slowly becoming more manageable, according to the second annual State of On-Call Report released by VictorOps ...

January 20, 2016
Julie Craig

DevOps and Continuous Delivery are intimately intertwined, both with one another and with revenue growth. In effect, applying DevOps principles across the lifecycle smoothes the way or “greases the wheels” for efficient delivery of application code ...

January 19, 2016
Julie Craig

EMA sees DevOps as a fundamental skill supporting business flexibility and agility. The results of EMA’s latest survey on the topic conducted in October 2015, support this statement. Companies rating the interactions between Dev and Ops as “Above Average” or “Excellent” are 11.5 times more likely to achieve double-digit revenue growth than those rating such interactions as “Average” or “Poor” ...


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